Art Works-2007
Still Moments

Installation Shot

Mix Media, 107x163 cm, 2007

Mix Media, 40x40 cm, 2007

Mix Media, 40x40 cm, 2007

Mix Media, 40x40 cm, 2007

Mix Media, 40x40 cm, 2007

Mix Media, 40x40 cm, 2007

Mix Media, 40x40 cm, 2007

Mix Media, 40x40 cm, 2007
Still Moments
Following the reckoning with “Earth” im the works of her previous two exlubitions and proceeding from “Deedless Lands”, it can be observed in her pantings collectively titled as “Still Moments”, where different techmques are undertaken, that there is a gradual escape from the subject.
The actuality sought: Still moments
The moment of stillness in wluch we fill our lungs with a deep breath.
And the deep sigh which wall follow... the desire for serensty...
For a considerable period of time, I have been working with pulp-paper and recycled paper. As a consequence of the workshop that I have attended after becomme a member of IAPMA, my interest in paper has ucreased. The infinite choices im using paper as an art maternal and its recyclable usage is very exciting.
Also, using the paper of my own produce is another dimension to tlus. Now, with the addition of other materials to the paper, the works have turn into a visual festival. In my works of collages on canvas measuring 40x40 cm, tlus tune I haven't used the teabags volumetrically but rather only their papers, and I also left the references to deedless lands im the background.
In works which reach the third dimension through pulp-paper and gauze, on plam canvas I try to express those that I can’t — regarding the content — with the roll form.
Roll: It can be as interpreted as the closmg over to oneself, returmng back to the start, introspection, and the myth of the regeneration of the earth.
I have attempted to enclose all the political-social-personal problems in to the roll.